Thursday, November 21, 2013

Time To Take Control!

I had the opportunity to attend a Mega Zone Conference yesterday, which inspired me to write about this topic today! President Calderwood spoke about having self-control and self-mastery. He shared a story about how he saw this car swerving in and out through traffic while driving down this steep mountain. President thought that man was the coolest and most talented man ever! His father had the opportunity to teach a very important lesson. And that lesson is "Control brings freedom, and no boundaries bring regret." We must control our thoughts and actions. Satan is out there to distract us towards the path to our Father in Heaven. We cannot let him control us. We were created to ACT, not to be acted up. I then realized that I need to pray again to receive another witness that God is our loving Father in Heaven, that Jesus is the Christ, Savior and Redeemer of man-kind, and that the Holy Ghost testifies and teaches truth. Take control of your life, rekindle your testimony through diligent scripture studies and prayer. If we do not take control now, then we will end up like that car that President Calderwood thought was so "cool", destroyed! The car smashed into a truck that was on the oncoming traffic. "Be anxiously engaged in a good cause... For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves." "Pray always that you may come off conqueror". Keep the commandments and be obedient. Then you will find happiness and peace, safety and love.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Let's Give Thanks!

Thanksgiving is coming up soon. It reminds me, of course, to be thankful for the things I have been blessed with.
         Here are 5 things that I am most grateful for:
1. My family who loves me.
2. An education!
3. Computers and Phones.
4. Food and drinks ( I am especially grateful for food to fill my constant hungry belly! :) )
5. Light and the Sun.

There are a lot of things that I am grateful for. The list can go on forever and ever! Always remember to be thankful for the things you have. It will show us how much we have been given. Because we have been given much, we must give to others. This Thanksgiving holiday is a wonderful time to give.

One thing that you can give to me is a list of 5 things you are grateful for! Comment and share with me your 5 things you are thankful for. Share this with your friends and family and invite them to share their list as well. Lets try to get a list of 500 things we are grateful for by Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Scripture Power!

The scriptures bring a wonderful spirit when they are read with an open heart and curious mind. I have an experience to share to prove this statement. When I was reading in the Book of Mormon one night, I came across this scripture that says, " Behold, I am Jesus Christ, whom the prophets testified shall into the world." When I read that scripture, I instantly had the goose bumps! It was simple, but the message that it proclaimed was very powerful. As I continued to read, the people came and felt the prints in His hands and in His feet so that they would know that Jesus is the Savior of the world. They did so and they came to a knowledge that it really was He who the prophets testified about. Through the scriptures we read accounts that share amazing stories that prove that Jesus is the Christ. President Boyd K. Packer said, "Peace can be settled in the heart of each who turns to the scriptures and unlocks the promises of protection and redemption that are taught therein." I was filled with peace and now I completely understand that through Jesus Christ, I can have peace and joy in this life. The scriptures bring the power of the Atonement into our lives and our homes as we read them and apply the principles that are taught within. I know that this is true. Please put it to the test. Study the scriptures and pray to understand them. I promise that you will have protection against the adversary. Let the power of the scriptures come into your life!